Drawings, ink on paper.
24 x 33 cm each


The human eye is always attracted by regularity.
The forms whom we give names to are few but pervasive. Inhabiting the world, humans reduce it to preset modules that comfort them.

In the last two years, a couple of figures prevailed.
Circles, perfection, and control. There are no angles to hide, everything is public and
transparent. The perfect measure of obsession.
Squares: equilibrium. stability, The square is often the archetype of the inhabited space.

Squares and circles, in parsimony, are enriching.
If we let them invade our lives, we come to a dangerous hypnotic saturation. For months we just left our squares to trace circles, and the circles of our inner worlds were just allowed to live in our square living spaces.

No surprises as we interiorized them. Every day the same sequence of steps and actions, the eye fixed on the same elements, maybe investigating them, maybe dissolving in a grey fog of forgetfulness.