Untitled (Piazza De Gasperi)



Site-specific installation, mixed media.

Piazza De Gasperi in Padua is a place with an interesting recent history.

This neighborhood was for a long time programmed to become part of a great urbanistic redesign of the city that has never been realized. As traditional Italian societal values began to crash violently during the same period of time, this place was left alone with no hope to become what it originally aspired to be.

Being assigned a requalification project, the real change is coming from the inhabitants, facing the challenge of building a new sense of identity.


Paying the consequences of the wreck of high expectations and a general sense of faith, security, and wealth, in this work the ginestra seeds - a plant that survives and thrives even on the most hostile soils, and can be found in the caves in the near Colli Euganei - will, or will not, sprout.


This installation gives back a general feeling, a hallucinated vision of the wreck of something luxurious, a sense of both being lost, both of potential grounded rebirth.

Organic materials were locally scouted.